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Name of organisation The Waste Clearance Team (the “Company”)
This document sets out the Health & Safety arrangements the Company has established. The Company has adopted this standard policy and tailored it to represent our organisation.
The following is a description of the type of work that the Company undertakes:
Description of Work:
Industry Sectors:
House clearance, office clearance, removal of general waste and internal removals. House and office removals
Waste removal and house/office removals
This document sets a base level of health & safety awareness and the Company will develop and improve health and safety knowledge, standards and performance.
PART 1 – General Statement of Policy
1.1 The Company acknowledges and accepts its legal responsibilities for securing the health, safety and welfare of its staff, or others working on its behalf and all others affected by their activities. In this policy, the word ‘staff’ is used to denote all those to whom this policy applies, including employees, agents and contractors.
1.2 The Company recognises and commits to operating in accordance with the general duties imposed upon the Company under the Health and Safety at Work Act and subsequent health and safety regulations appertaining to its operation. The Company has implemented this policy to pursue best health and safety practices, even if the regulations do not apply to it (due to size of the Company).
1.3 The Company will do all that is reasonably practicable to provide and maintain: – Safe places of work and methods and systems of work
– Safe plant and equipment
– Personal protective equipment relevant to working tasks
– A safe and healthy working environment
1.4 The Company will carry out a regular review (at least annually) of this policy to ensure that these standards of health and safety are maintained and will maintain, if appropriate, a record of who has read and understood this policy.
Jonathan Butler

Jonathan Butler
Organisation Name:
Zebra Removals
Date (to be reviewed and resigned annually):
PART 2 – Organisation and Responsibilities
2.1 Head of Company
The head of the Company has overall responsibility for health and safety in the Company, and will:
• Monitor and assess risk to health and safety
• Understand the Company’s policy for health and safety (the “Policy”)and ensure
it is readily available for staff and provide appropriate information and
instruction to staff
• Ensure work is planned to take into account health & safety issues and ensure
that staff at all levels receive appropriate training
• Actively promote at all levels the Company’s commitment to effective health and
safety management
2.2 Health and Safety Co-ordinator / Representative
The Health and Safety Co-ordinator / Representative will undertake and be responsible for:
• Monitoring the implementation of Policy and reviewing its appropriateness by carrying out safety audits/inspections as necessary and appropriate
• Reviewing health and safety legislation and implementing any new requirements that apply to the Company
• Investigating accidents and implementing corrective action
• Collating and reporting any accidents reportable under the Reporting of Injuries,
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (R.I.D.D.O.R.) 2013
2.3. Employees/ Staff
Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states the following:
It shall be the duty of every employee while at work –
• to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons
who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work; and
Named person responsible for H&S:
Jonathan Butler
Position/ experience /qualifications:

• as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.
In order for all employees to comply with their legal duties, they will undertake and be responsible for:
• Reading and understanding the Policy and carry out their work safely and in accordance with it requirements
• Ensuring that all protective equipment provided under a legal requirement is properly used in relation to any instruction/training given and in accordance with this Policy, and reporting any defects to work equipment immediately to the business owner/ senior management
• Reporting to the business owner/ senior management any incidents, which have led or might lead to injury or damage
• Reporting any accidents or near misses however minor to the business owner/ senior management
• Using the correct tools and equipment for the job in hand and in accordance with training and instructions
• Co-operating with any investigation, which may be undertaken with the objective of preventing reoccurrence of incidents
• Performing risk assessments & method statements as required and making recommendations for changes to the business owner/ senior management
In so far as the Company has staff that are not employees, the above applies in so far as is reasonable and practicable.
PART 3 – Arrangements
3.1 Communication
In order to meet the legal requirements of the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations and the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations, the Company will communicate and consult with all staff on the following issues:
• The content of the Policy
• Any rules specific to a site or job
• Changes in legislation or working best practice
• The planning of Health and Safety training
• The introduction or alteration of new work equipment or technology
3.2 Training
Training is given as required to staff as is appropriate to their responsibilities in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. Training will be provided for the following situations:

• Induction training for new staff (health and safety awareness, Company procedures etc.)
• The introduction or modification of new/existing machinery or technology
• A change in employee position/work activity or responsibility
Training is also specifically provided for work with hazardous substances, use of PPE and manual handling. Any training provided by the Company will be recorded. A programme of refresher training will be undertaken to keep staff up to date with legislation and industry best practice.
3.3 Risk Assessments
The business owner/ senior management will carry out and record, as required, formal risk assessments. In addition, risk assessments are carried out continuously by staff throughout their work. The business owner/ senior management ensures staff are provided with appropriate instruction and training on risk assessments.
3.4 Method Statements
Formal method statements (safe working procedures) will be prepared in writing where appropriate.
3.5 Work Equipment
All work equipment (including electrical equipment) used at work, as part of the Company’s undertaking will comply with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (P.U.W.E.R.), and all work equipment will be maintained and inspected at suitable intervals either internally by a competent person or by an external specialist.
If any faults or damage are found on any equipment, stop using the work equipment and report the fault to the business owner/ senior management.
3.6 Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.)
Appropriate personal protective equipment will be issued to staff as and when necessary for work activities, and training will be provided for staff on the safe use, storage and maintenance of the relevant equipment before issue and a written record detailing what PPE has been issued will be signed by the staff on receipt of the equipment and the hard copy kept on file. Employees have a legal duty to wear PPE as specified in relevant site rules, risk assessments and method statements. Any defects or malfunction of PPE must be reported to business owner/ senior management.
3.7 Hazardous Substances
The risks associated with hazardous substances are considered for all work activities. Before any hazardous substances are used during a work process, a material safety data sheet (MSDS) will be requested from the supplier and an appropriate assessment made of the risks from that substance undertaken by the business owner/ senior management

in line with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH). An inventory of all substances and materials hazardous to health is held at head office.
3.8 First Aid & Accident Reporting
Adequate first aid provision will be made at every place of work occupied by the Company. Each first aid box shall be suitably marked and be easily accessible to all staff at all times when they are at work.
All accidents MUST be reported to the Health and Safety Co-ordinator and the details recorded in the accident book. Serious accidents where hospital treatment is required must be reported to the business owner/ senior management as soon as possible after the incident.
All deaths to workers and non-workers, with the exception of suicides, must be reported if they arise from a work-related accident, including an act of physical violence to a worker under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR 2013). Certain accidents are reportable to the HSE’s Incident Contact Centre and all accidents/incidents will be investigated by senior management and any action taken as a result of an investigation will be formally recorded.
3.9 Asbestos
If appropriate, before any work commences on a site, staff are to make a request to view the site-specific asbestos register. The position and condition of any asbestos that may be in the area where you will be working should be noted within the asbestos register. If asbestos is noted within your potential work area, contact the business owner/ senior management for further instruction.
Due to the nature of our works on older buildings, there could be a risk of exposure to asbestos. If, during your works, you see a fibrous material that you think may be asbestos, you should immediately contact the business owner/ senior management for advice. Remember, if you are uncertain as to the content of the material, stop work and seek advice.
3.10 Manual Handling
Manual handling risks are considered prior to each work activity. The method of work is adapted to minimise manual handling risks wherever possible, including use of alternative lifting and carrying methods. Staff advised not to manually handle loads which they feel incapable of moving safely.
3.11 Fire Safety & Emergency Procedures
It is the Company’s policy to take account of fire hazards in the workplace. All staff have a duty to conduct their operations in such a way as to minimize the risk of fire. Site
First Aid kits can be found at:
Under passenger seat, Woolston & Whitley Units

Supervisors are responsible for keeping their operating areas safe from fire, ensuring that their staff are trained in fire prevention practices and emergency procedures.
3.12 Public safety
The safety of members of the public and other contractors is considered at all times whilst on site and whilst in transit.